Doctorate Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Supervisors: C.F.M. van Lieshout G. H. J. Haselager, & A. H. N. Cillessen
Thesis: ‘Development of dyadic peer relationships: Friendships and antipathies’
Date of viva: 3 April 2008, Cum Laude
Master Master of Arts in Psychology, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Thesis: ‘Parenting styles, attachment and school achievement’
Supervisor: E. Alp; March 2002
Bachelor Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1998
High School Üsküdar American Academy, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1994
2018 – Professor of Neuroscience of Social Relations
Developmental and Educational Psychology Unit
Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
2008 – Senior Researcher
Leiden Institute of Brain and Cognition (LIBC), Leiden, the Netherlands
2014 – 2018 Associate professor
Developmental and Educational Psychology Unit
Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
2010 – 2014 Assistant professor
Developmental and Educational Psychology Unit
Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
2008 – 2010 Postdoctoral researcher
Developmental and Educational Psychology Unit
Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
2004 – 2008 Junior Lecturer
Developmental Psychology Department
Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2002 – 2008 PhD student
Developmental Psychology & Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, & Behavior
Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1999 – 2002 Teaching Assistant
Mathematics Department
Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey
1998 – 1999 Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Psychology
St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO, USA
Sandy Overgaauw “Social reorientation in adolescence: Neurobiological changes and individual differences in empathic
concern” (Leiden University, co-promotor). Defense date: 19 February 2015.
Geert-Jan Will “Acceptance, rejection and the social brain in adolescence: Toward a neuroscience of peer relations"
(Leiden University, co-promotor). Defense date: 4 June 2015.
Rosa Meuwese “Me, my friends and I: A neuro-ecological perspective on adolescent prosocial development” (Leiden
University, co-promotor). Defense date: 31 Oct 2017.
Lisa Schreuders “Got a friend in me? Mapping the neural mechanisms underlying social motivations of adolescents
and adults” (Leiden University, promotor). Defense date: 6 March 2019.
Philip Brandner “Happy for us, not them: Neural processing of vicarious joy for family members and strangers”
(Erasmus University Rotterdam; co-supervision with prof. E. A. Crone). Defense date: 22 Sept 2022.
Sanne Kellij “I see, I see what you don't see: Neural and behavioral social-cognitive processes underlying
(persistent) victimization” (University of Groningen; co-supervision with prof. R. Veenstra). Defense
date: 8 June 2023.
Iris Koele “Treasuring teen friendships: Behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying adolescent learning
and mental health in the peer context” (Leiden University, promotor). Defense date: 22 March 2024.
Brenda da Silva “Being Deaf at the Playground: The effect of a hearing loss on children’s social participation” (Leiden
University; co-supervision with prof. dr. C. Rieffe). Defense date: 12 February 2025.
2022 PI Gravitation Grant ‘Growing Up Together in Society’ from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science for a ten-
year period (2023-2033) (€21,638,000)
2022 International Society for Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD) fellow award
2018 Joahnna Westerdijk award for outstanding scientists. The award enabled promotion to a full Professor
position and is accompanied by a budget to be spent on research (€ 50,000)
2017 PI/Grant leader of consortium for research project investigating the neural underpinnings of chronic victimization
and effectiveness of anti-bullying programs (€ 500,000); in collaboration with Groningen University, Tilburg
University, Utrecht University and Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2015 Dyason Fellowship, University of Melbourne, Australia (€ 3,350)
2011 VENI research grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Project title: “The social brain in
adolescence: Examining peer interactions from a developmental social neuroscience perspective” (€ 250,000)
2008 Cum Laude for PhD dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen, April 2008
2007 Research grant Behavioral Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen (€ 15,720)
2006 European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Summer School (€ 2,000)
1998 Developmental Psychology PhD, full tuition remission, SSt. Louis University, MO, USA (€ 30,000)
1995–1998 Vehbi Koç Scholar, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey (distinction for students with grade point average higher than
3.5 (max. 4))
1994–1998 Full scholarship with tuition remission, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey (€ 66,500; full scholarship is awarded to
top 2% students).
2020 – Associate editor International Journal of Behavioral Development
2019 – Consulting editor Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
2020 – Department Chair, Developmental Psychology Department, Leiden University
2018 – 2022 Chair of Dutch Society for Developmental Psychology (VNOP)
2016 – 2020 Department Board Member, Developmental Psychology Department, Leiden University
2016 – 2020 Board member of Faculty ‘Basic Qualification of Teaching’ (BKO) Committee, Leiden University
2012 – Board member Dutch Society for Developmental Psychology (VNOP)
2012 – 2016 Leiden Institute of Brain and Cognition (LIBC) Junior Hotspot Leader; Leiden University
2003 – 2008 Founder and chair International PhD student Committee, Radboud University Nijmegen
Developing, coordinating, and teaching various bachelor and master courses (selection): The Adolescent Brain, Social and Emotional Development, Introduction to Developmental Psychology, Social Neurocognition, Primary Relationships, Adolescent Psychology, Social and Personality Development; obtained Certificate for Basic Qualification for Teaching (BKO, 2011)
Frequent presentations on the developing brain and peer relationships at schools in the Netherlands; contribution to development of course material for middle and high-school teachers; interview for an online BOLD blog on Learning and Development by Jacobs Foundation; interviews on national newspapers and magazines; national and international radio interviews (e.g., Dutch Radio Sydney, Australia; Canadian Public Radio, Amsterdam); contribution to children's tv program 'Het Klokhuis'; contributions to popular scientific books (‘Pubers! Handboek voor Ouders’ (Teenager Handbook for Parents) by Gerard Jansen, ‘Durf te Vragen’ (Dare to Ask) by Suzanne Rethans; ‘Puberbrein Binnenstebuiten’ (Adolescent Brain Inside Out) by Yvonne van Sark and Huub Nelis).
You can hear more about my research in Turkish in an interview for online science platform Gelecek Bilimde (Future is in the Science) and in an interview on career development in the Netherlands for online platform for career talks Kariyer Sohbetleri (Career Paths).